1.1.6, 2012-01-15 * Added code formatting. 1.1.5, 2012-01-09 * Changed to use JComponent as drawing area rather than Canvas. This solved the issue of slow syntax highlighting on MacOS, so this is enabled again. * Added command line conversion of Basus program to highlighted HTML using the --html option. 1.1.4, 2012-01-05 * Syntax highlighting was dead slow on Mac, but worked fine on Linux and windows. Disabling for Mac for now. 1.1.3, 2011-12-1 * Added simple syntax highlighting. 1.1.2, 2011-12-20 * Added functions isValidInteger and isValidReal to check if a string can be safely parsed to an integer or a real using toInteger or toReal. 1.1.1, 2011-12-06 * Fixed bug that caused various stuff to not work when language was non-English. * Changed logo. 1.1.0, 2011-11-22 * Java6 required. * Fixed floating point formatting on output. Thanks to Mikael Klages for reporting that 1.1*1.1 was printed as 1.2100000000000002. Now it prints as 1.21. 1.0.3, 2009-03-31 * New function exit() that terminates the running program. 1.0.2, 2009-02-07 * Show variable values when running in slow motion. 1.0.1, 2009-02-06 * Run program from command line in a window. * Slow motion execution where the current statement is highlighted. 1.0.0, 2009-01-10