Scientist Factory


Scientist Factory's Basus

A programming environment for absolute beginners that want to learn real computer programming.

Java 1.6 or newer required: If you don't have Java already, plase download your free copy and install it before continuing.

To run Basus, you need to download basus.jar and run it using Java. If double-clicking the downloaded file doesn't start it, try opening a command prompt in the directory containing the file and run the following command:

    java -jar basus.jar

If that still doesn't work, plase send an E-mail to Sverre for support.


  • The Examples menu contains several programs. Pick one, and click Run or press F11 to see what the program does.
  • Basus programs may be terminated by pressing F12.
  • Help is available for language constructs. Click on a word in the program text and press F1.


Selected Basus programs running as applets (again, Java required):

Feel free to send your own programs to Sverre to have them listed here.

Basus IDE

Basus IDE: Click to enlarge

Basus version history